Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Dont Say This in Your Next Tech Job Interview
Dont Say This in Your Next Tech Job InterviewDont Say This in Your Next Tech Job Interview As an IT recruiting firm, we hear from candidates about a lot of bad job interview advice. Or worse, sometimes we hear about a candidate putting this advice into action This feedback revealed the one thing that candidates should never tell an interviewer.Job seekers should never say, Im the fruchtwein qualified candidate for the job. This one schlagwort is not only bad interviewing advice, but it can tank your chances for a great job. Why is this terrible advice? Isnt it good to be confident and express interest in the job? The truth is, telling your interviewer that youre the best candidate for the job doesnt really accomplish either task well. First, telling your interviewer that youre the most qualified candidate demonstrates that you make big decisions without much thought or research . Great candidates, especially in the tech space, are looking for a job that is a good f it on both ends. This means that the candidate has all the technical skills and experience listed in a job posting. But it also means that the company and the work can meet the job seekers needs. An interview is all about sussing out whether the job is a good fit for both parties- tech professional and employer. Good candidates dont know if theyre the best candidate for the job for many reasons, especially because they dont know if the job will meet their own needs as an employee Another reason you should never tell an interviewer youre the best candidate for the job is that you can come across as difficult to work with and arrogant. Making yourself seem difficult to work with is usually the kiss of death for your candidacy. These days , communicating and working well with teams is an imperative skill in most IT jobs. Spurred by the fast pace of the internet, companies are pressured to constantly innovate and improve their products or services. They often achieve this con stant innovation with group brainstorms and teamwork. To reach new creative heights, employers need their hires to be the kinds of employees who can play well with others and enthusiastically join these group brainstorming efforts and cutting-edge projects. (Its also just a fact that Scrum and Agile are the trendiest development methods. The day of the heads-down coder who excels in the Waterfall method has passed.)Making yourself seem arrogant can kill your candidacy for a job for similar reasons. Even if youre a renowned expert, people probably wont hire you because nobody wants to work with somebody who is arrogant. Arrogant coworkers arent open to collaboration. Theyre also tough to train, which can be important when a company has a lot of processes, procedures, and rules built into their structure. Tech employers often need new employees to have a quick, painless onboarding. Hit the ground running is a very common phrase in job descriptions for tech roles. Let your intervi ewer know youll be the kind of employee who is open to new processes, open to working with others and that you know you have a lot to learn. Saying Im the most qualified candidate for this job will do exactly the opposite. So what can you say instead of this candidacy-killing phrase? Focus on concrete ways to illustrate your value to the interviewer. Being able to sharethings like this will help potential employers see that you are the most qualified candidate.When employers decide youre the most qualified candidate for the job , this is much more powerful than you, as the candidate, trying to lead them to this conclusion. So give the interviewer what they need to see that youre the best candidate for the role. It just might get you an offer Samantha Keefe is an Interactive Marketing Managerat AVID Technical Resources .AVID Technical Resources is a leading information technology recruiting company with nine offices around the country.
Thursday, December 26, 2019
On how to understand and be kind to the people you dislike
On how to understand and be kind to the people you dislikeOn how to understand and be kind to the people you dislikeImagine a world devoid of hope - a world with an end in sight leid an end that compensates by carving an edge of meaning into the story but an end that is brutal and destructive and soul-wrenching. Such is the world drawn by Cormac McCarthy in The Road.Its a story of an unnamed man and an unnamed boy - father and son. They live in a post-apocalyptic reality in which some unnamed catastrophe has destroyed the civilized world. There are only a few pockets of human tribes left, most of whom are willing to go to extreme lengths to ensure their own survival. Lawlessness and cannibalism are the norms.The boy is born to the man and a woman sometime before the story begins, right around the time of the catastrophe. At some point, however, the woman, realizing the futility of existence in a such a world, takes her own life, leaving only the two of them to fend for themselves.T he only thing the man and the boy know is that they are going south towards the sea so that they can escape the harsh winter. They dont make long-term plans, they dont talk about the inevitable, and they have strict rules - rules that negate the pretense of any innocence in the boys life - regarding what to do in case either of them ever gets caught by the others.Throughout the novel, everything that can go wrong does go wrong. McCarthy stretches the imagination of the reader to a place he or she wishes they never have to go again. The good and the beautiful - namely, the love between the man and the boy - is blurred away by the ugly.The only redeeming thing in this world is the boy himself. Even the man, hardened by the circumstances of his life, has a beaten-down soul, one that is fast to distrust and slow to care about anything beyond what it takes to keep the two of them alive for as long as he can.There is a scene in the middle of the book where they run into an older and ev en more cynical man. When they first catch a glimpse of him, he looks like he is near death. The boy wants to help him. The man doesnt. After a brief argument, they do as the boy hopes, and they invite the older man to spend the night with them, sharing their food.When the time comes to part ways, the three of them have a brief exchange. This exchange tells you everything you could want to know about the core of each character and how they respond to the world around them.In the morning they stood in the road and he and the boy argued about what to give the old man. In the end he didnt get much. Some cans of vegetables and of fruit. Finally, the boy just went over to the edge of the road and sat in the ashes. The old man fitted the tins into his knapsack and fastened the straps. You should thank him you know, the man said. I wouldnt have given you anything.the old man Maybe I should and maybe I shouldnt.the man Why wouldnt you?the old man I wouldnt have given him mine.the man You do nt care if it hurts his feelings?the old man Will it hurt his feelings?the man No. Thats not why he did it.the old man Why did he do it?He looked over at the boy and he looked at the old man. You wouldnt understand, he said. Im not sure I do.IIThe ethics of the great philosopher Immanuel Kant can be summarized by a single sentence he once wrote about them Act as if the maxim of your action were to become, by your will, a universal law of nature.It is one of his famous categorical imperatives - a statement he believed could be used to dissect the motivation for each of a persons actions. According to this line of reasoning, something is good and right if you wouldnt mind every other person in the world acting in this way, too.Like much of Western philosophy, Kant wasnt a fan of contradictions. He was an absolutist, so in his berzeugtheit von sich selbst worldview, there were no gray areas. If you dont want other people lying, you should never lie yourself no matter the circumstances . If you think laziness is undesirable, then its your job to make sure you are never contributing to it.Except, in real life, its never that simple. Humans are complex creatures, and life is often covered by shades of color that arent black and white. Like the philosophies Kant was rebelling against at the saatkorn, his, too, was a little too rigid for a world in which every single moment is produced at the intersection of more variables than we can ever hope to count.The foundation for Kants belief, however, is what interests me, and I think its a strong one. He made a point to distinguish between what we do out of inclination and what we do out of duty. Inclination is what is comfortable - it is the impulse of every animal in nature to be self-interested, to do what is easy, and to think only about here and now. What makes humans different, he argued, is that we are capable of overpowering this inclination in the name of duty something that is good as a means in itself.A man work ing long hours his whole life so his family has better opportunities than he did is committing to an act of duty. An innocent prisoner of war accepting punishment on behalf of someone who is in worse shape than she is is committing to an act of duty. A boy insisting that his father share what little food they have with a stranger is committing to an act of duty.It is this gap between inclination and duty, this agency - the freedom to choose to do the hard thing - that gives humans their spark. By valuing something for what it is and acting against our impulses, we are able to shine a light of moral goodness in this world a light that illuminates the hearts of other people, so that they, too, are willed to do the right thing.One of the core strengths of this line of reasoning is that it accounts for the fact that human beings are mimetic in their drives - much of our behavior is influenced by what we observe in our surroundings. Kants categorical imperative tells us that once the light is on, it will spread itself. If we see other people do good, we are more likely to do good ourselves.Much of philosophy is esoteric and difficult. The old trope of the men and women sitting in their ivory tower telling the rest of us what to do holds an ounce of truth. But, at the same time, there is just as much philosophy that is highly underrated relative to what it can and has done for us.If you peel back the right layers, its impossible not to see the how important Kant has been to the history of our species how important he still is today. His work is there for the taking. What we do with it is up to us.IIIOne of the climaxes in The Road occurs near the end when the boy, again, wants to help someone. Except, this is someone who has wronged them. The man, naturally, refuses. The boy persists, arguing that the person on the other side is just as scared and hopeless as they are.In this particular instance, however, the man prevails, and they continue without extending a ha nd. When he later tries to penetrate the boys wall of anger, the boy asks a simple question Are the stories true?By the stories, he is referring to the comforting tales his father has been telling him all his life about how goodness always gets the better out of evil and how they, in fact, are the good guys and that there is hope in the world. The man says they are. In a moment of quiet but raw intensity, the boy asks Why, then, do we never seem to help anyone who needs it in real life?The first time I read this scene, I felt a strange heaviness - like a truth had made itself known to me, a truth not found in any condensed string of sentences but a truth that could only ever be experienced. Was McCarthy trying to pass on a profound, Kantian moral lesson in his fiction? Im not sure. Some part of me would like to think so, though.Each of us is a hero in our own story. Your life is a narration, one that concerns itself with you, that centers itself towards you, that has supporting cha racters around you, that is good or bad or right or wrong as it relates to you. We are all, of course, aware of this self-centeredness, but we dont openly talk about it. Its unbecoming uncomfortable, even.The mere fact that we dont talk about it, however, means that we also let it delude us. We convince ourselves that we - the hero - are always the good guys and that anyone who is in our way, or who disagrees with us, or who has wronged us in some big or small way is by definition the bad guy - that they dont deserve the same empathy or kindness or understanding that we would expect if we were in their position.We forget that the human condition is diverse, that different people have different belief templates, and that most bad guys dont think of themselves as bad guys most of them, too, think they are doing the right thing, the noble thing. Even when they arent, they - like you - are flawed human beings, shaped by billions of variables, many of which they had little control o ver, that may not have provided them with the luxury and the comfort to do the right thing at each and every moment in their life.You dont have to look much further than the current political climate in the world to see an illustration of the problem Im talking about. We have become so comfortable hating each other that it completely escapes us that the point of having behauptung conversations is to better understand each other. In the process, we have become exactly the kind of people who do and say things that actually merit the label of the bad guy.I dont have a perfect solution, and Im not here to espouse the virtues of Kantian ethics as a path to a Promised Land. What I do think, though, is that maybe - just maybe - we can all take a tool out of the boys toolkit that maybe - just maybe - if we, ourselves, lived in accordance with the stories we tell to inspire our children, we could live more honest lives.There is a certain naivete you have to engage to accept the idea of s elling kindness as an antidote to complex issues of disagreement and hostility. But negativity defeats itself, and Id rather be naive than cynical.Want to think and live smarter? Zat Rana publishes a free weekly newsletter for 30,000+ readers atDesign Luck.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
The Slowpokes Guide to Working in a Fast-Paced Environment
The Slowpokes Guide to Working in a Fast-Paced EnvironmentThe Slowpokes Guide to Working in a Fast-Paced EnvironmentTime. Theres never enough of it. Even when youre on top of your to-do list, the pressure to move faster and get mora done never seems to go away. And those are the days that dont whip by.If that sounds familiar, then the chances are good that you work in a fast-paced workplace and that you are struggling to keep up with the rest of your team. Its no surprise according to Simply Hired data, last year the number of jobs described as fast-paced grew 26 percent. And as the pressures to perform faster on the job grow, many job seekers wonder what it really means to work in a fast-paced environment and how they can tweak their skills to get by a little easier and achieve a faster pace.Are you more of a slowpoke but interested in exceeding your past performance? Heres a look at important insight into what it means to work in a fast-paced environment and to determine how to be successful once you take the job.Fast-Paced Means Less Time to ThinkEmployers describe fast-paced jobs as dynamic, deadline-driven, highly collaborative, demanding, rapidly changing and filled with high growth. Looking at these words all together, a picture of what fast-paced really means starts to come together its an environment where you often must make decisions with very little time to think them through.This might sound dangerous, especially considering the important positions that are described as fast-paced, such as lawyers, nurses, chefs, pharmacists and executives. But not having a lot of time to think things through is only difficult when you arent sure what to do. Which is to say that its hard to perform in a fast-paced environment if you have not prepared yourself with the instincts, confidence and training to do the job well and quickly.The answer to being more successful in a fast-paced position (and to determine whether a fast-paced position is a good fit for you in the first place) is to take direct action to refine your instincts, build confidence and pursue more training.Improving Your Instincts, Confidence and TrainingThe legal industry indicates the biggest need for velocity with 24 percent of jobs describing themselves as fast-paced in 2015, followed by healthcare with 21 percent. Lets use those two industries as our example for how improve your performance in a fast-paced environment.Refine your instinctsDo you ever find yourself feeling confused, overwhelmed or uncertain about what to do in your workplace? Do you wish you had more time to make each decision? If you do, that means you dont have the basic instincts of the position down. You consider each instruction or scenario independent of the context of your workplace, leading you to spend more time on thinking and doubting yourself before you act.While some people are born with excellent instincts for a particular field, the rest of us need time and experience to instill those basic lessons as instincts on the job. The best solution here is to partner with an experienced veteran at your job and ask them to walk you through their decision-making process during certain times of the day.For example, if you are a new nurse and you find yourself doubting the decisions you make throughout the day, it will help you to shadow a veteran nurse and ask her questions as she makes those decisions. Over time you will understand the context for her decisions (always putting the patient first, or thinking of what the doctor would prefer in a certain situation) that help her make decisions more quickly.Build confidenceDo you make a decision and then spend a lot of time doubting if it was the right one? Do you take action but then secretly stress that youll be reprimanded or fired for it? Then you have a confidence dicke bretter bohren mssen and you need to go back to your roots to remind yourself that you are a highly-qualified professional.We already know that confident people find jobs quicker and make more money. But they also function better in a fast-paced environment because they dont waste time doubting their decisions or actions. Its not necessarily that they have big egos or are always right its that they make decisions from an informed, confident place that welcomes responsibility.For example, if you are a recently graduated lawyer, you might not be 100 percent acclimated to working in a real-life law firm with fast-paced, serious decisions being made around the clock. However, you can gain confidence by breathing deep and focusing on the fact that you passed the bar and earned a degree. This deep understanding of the law will help you get used to your new environment and make quick decisions over time. You can also share your doubts with a more senior lawyer or human resources team member who can coach you through your doubts toward your best performance.Pursue trainingDo you freeze when you go to make a decision? Are you hesitant to do anythin g without a clear instruction in fear of making a mistake? Then youll find a lot of relief if you pursue ongoing training in your workplace.Ongoing training is important in two ways. First, it naturally bolsters your instincts and builds confidence. The more time you spend with your industry subject matter, the easier it will be to consider tasks and requests that come up within the context of your fast-paced workplace. Second, the more training you have, the less time you will need to make a decision and follow through with it. This ultimately positions you to perform will in a fast-paced environment because you can make quick, accurate decisions.As a paralegal in a fast-paced work environment, new processes, laws and customers frequently disrupt your workday. But if you consistently pursue professional development in your field, you will be able to stay on top of these trends and network with likeminded paralegals who can help you deepen your knowledge, your instincts and your con fidence, ultimately leading you to make better decisions faster.Fast-paced work environments arent for everyone. If you invest time in refining your instincts, building confidence and pursuing more training and you still feel uncomfortable and overwhelmed in your workplace, you may need to consider a new job or new career that wont put those pressures on you. However, most people will find that focusing on these three steps will help them quickly make good decisions and experience high levels of success in fast-paced working environments.
Monday, December 16, 2019
How Plastic Surgery Can Impact Your Modeling Career
How Plastic Surgery Can Impact Your Modeling CareerHow Plastic Surgery Can Impact Your Modeling CareerMany people associate models with physical perfection, when in truth, the modeling industry caters to all kinds of body types. Often, the things that make a model look different than anyone else are credited with that models success (think Lauren Huttons gap smile, Imans neck, Cindy Crawfords mole). However, fruchtwein people have features they arent entirely comfortable with, and models or not, they may choose plastic surgery to give them the look they desire. For someone who isnt a model, plastic surgery will generally have the greatest impact on their confidence and how they feel about themselves. For models, having plastic surgery (or not) can affect a lot more than that. In fact, it can make or break a modeling career. There are a few key things to consider if youre thinking of getting plastic surgery and you also aspire to be a model or make changes to your existing modeling ca reer. First and forefruchtwein, if you already have a modeling agent, it is paramount that you consult with your agent before making any changes. When you were signed with your agent, you were chosen for a reason. If you have surgery to alter your appearance, it can drastically change the type of jobs for which your look is appropriate. If the bump in your nose is something you want to be changed, your agent might say thats a good idea, or they might say its a feature they like about your look. Similarly, some models choose to have their ears pinned back when their agent approves, or others are encouraged to leave them as they are. Changes like unterstellung likely wont change the modeling industries youre appropriate for, but there are certain changes that may ultimately exclude you from certain industries altogether. Breast Implants Breast implants are an especially important topic when it comes to modeling and plastic surgery, and heres what you really need to know before you go under the knife. If you want to be a high-fashion editorial or runway model, getting breast implants can limit your opportunities in that department. For fashion designers, the most important thing they consider is how their designs will look in magazines and on the runway. They dont want anything that will change the line or silhouette of their designs or distract from the look they are trying to achieve. If youre determined to be a model and have or want to get breast implants, you must know in advance it may limit you to commercial, glamour, swimsuit and lingerie modeling. Before making any decisions, you must speak with your agent, or you risk them dropping you or losing out on great career opportunities. Botox and Fillers Several models admit to using Botox or fillers in the lines on their face, or to plump their lips. Usually, it is more mature models who claim to do this, however, it isnt uncommon for women in their twenties to do so as well. Models need to be careful when considering this kind of work as it can limit their facial movements and make them less expressive. As with other procedures, make sure you discuss Botox and fillers with your agent before getting poked Of course, if you are inherently against getting plastic surgery and are being pressured to do something that makes you very uncomfortable, it is your right to refuse it. It is also important to keep in mind that you dont need plastic surgery to be a model, but it may benefit you in certain industries, just as it may work against you in others. Whats most important is your health and safety, which is why the guidance of a modeling agent will be very helpful as you make these decisions.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Why you feel unsatisfied in your career (and how to solve it)
Why you feel unsatisfied in your career (and how to solve it)Why you feel unsatisfied in your career (and how to solve it)We sure do a great job of covering up our anxiety. Our stress. Our feelings of self-doubt, frustration, notlage fitting in and general dissatisfaction from the workplace, dont we? The question thats worth asking yourself is - at what cost? Now, trust me, this isnt some treatise that you can just sift through that culminates in me telling you to, Quit your job. Thats trite. And its often not the best advice.What Im saying is, you have to be smart about identifying whats holding you back, and how to equip yourself to transform your situation and build what you really want on the foundation of your current situation. Many of us in the workplace arent finding meaning in what were doing, despite some of us having cool perks like a ping pong table, soda machine or ability to drink happy hour beers on Fridays.We want more than just the token amenities or feeling that mi llennials or young adults have to be specially catered to in some contrived way. We want a calling, a reason to keep moving forward and growing where we are, or that impulse to move on and carve out our own niche elsewhere, or on our own, will emerge even stronger.One thing Ive learned is that its extremely difficult to be your best, think creatively, have a strategic mindset and contribute confident, bold ideas when youre stressed and full of doubt about your upward mobility in a job. A substantial portion of millennials (and many employees for that matter) are living with a lot of workplace anxiety.A BDA Morneau Shepell white paper discovered that 30% of working millennials have general anxiety. Source Psychology TodayWe all have to abflug somewhere, and sometimes survival and financial means need to be satisfied at the risk of some lesser pleasures. But we should never sacrifice the meaning of our job or the opportunity for advancement in the name of just treading water. Just get ting by. Because just getting by can snowball into far worse things.It leads to anxiety and poor gesundheitspflege factors like dissatisfaction with our supervisors, low pay and nebulous job statuses - you know, where we never quite know where we fit in an organization, and were too far down in the hierarchy to even be privy to those whispers, much less conversations.Were also overworked and far too often, underpaid for the workload were asked to tackle. Take this Work Stress Survey finding and let that sink in for a minuteA 2013 finding from the Work Stress Survey showed, more than eight in 10 employed Americans are stressed out by at least one thing about their jobs. Poor pay and increasing workloads were top sources of concern reported by American workers. Source HuffPostWhat to do about itOne thing I believe is that you forfeit the right to complain if youre not at least spending some time pursuing that thing you truly love, even if its on the side. That doesnt mean your feelin gs or reasons for being unsatisfied dont matter. But I can tell you this - Ive continued to hold a full-time professional job throughout most of my career, while I build my entrepreneurial life on the side. And I know many others who are living this life.Ive been successful. The time spent writing, coaching others, speaking, and also coaching high school basketball has enabled me to become the man Ive always wanted to be. Maybe youre already doing this, or observing the lives of many peers, or success stories like Ken Jeong, Andrea Bocelli or Joy Behar. These are all people who started in much different professions than the ones theyre in now.Joy Behar was still teaching high school English at the age of 40Ken Jeong became a medical doctor in his late 20s, practicing medicine, and didnt appear in his first film until his late 30sAndrea Bocelli was a defense attorney who worked into his mid-30s in the legal profession before leaving and letting his beautiful voice take him to the to p of the musical world.When you feel unsatisfied, you have to first look inside of you and think about why this is happening. Identify the things in your environment that are contributing to your feeling of inadequacy, stress or worry. How much of this is self-inflicted, and how much of what youre experiencing requires you to make a change and move to the outside?Sometimes leaving a job is the right move, and sometimes the adversity youre facing in the moment is an immense opportunity and test designed to get you to overcome your emotions or an external challenge that will refine and strengthen you.Pay close attention to the behaviors that are causing you stress, worry and concern. Observe what they are and understand them. Consciously plan your day around minimizing these and also facing your fears head-on.Here are 5 Ways to Solve the Unsatisfied Problem and Begin Making Bold Progress Toward Your Ideal CareerWhen youre feeling overwhelmed, determine whether theres a more productive and efficient way to tackle your workload. There may not be, but maybe through your attitude, confidence and self-encouragement you can embrace your situation and make it competitive in a fun way. Its not ideal, but embracing the struggle is sometimes the surest sign that youre maturing and growing, while having the self-awareness and stamina to strive for something better.If you feel underpaid, if you feel undervalued and that youre not a part of the strategic conversations where you are, then start leveraging your voice in a unique way with leadership at your company. Be proactive and take initiative - start first by testing your ideas out on social media and among friends.Assess your value by leveraging tools like Glassdoor and web research that will help you explore both entrepreneurial, consulting or traditional path positions. The right fit is out there. It just might not be via the conventional ways of thinking that existed 10 years ago. Be creative and start by imagining a nd planning for what you truly want.Leverage your skill set and use tools like Gallups Strength Finder to determine what youre really good at. Invest in your strengths. Take a professional development course, learn a new software skill, get a certification or hands-on experience around a skill that inspires you. Then, begin researching how you can utilize that skill for higher monetary value.And dont forget to take a deep breath. The end of your career is not near Its just beginning. One thing Ive observed in high achieving millennials is that we put so much stress and burden on ourselves so early on. Be patient. Keep working. Play the long game. You have to let time play its part, while grinding and staying positive in your pursuit.Be willing to take a shot Indecision is crippling. So many people dont understand why theyre not climbing the corporate ladder, or why theyre so unhappy in a job they thought would open new horizons and doors. This predicament is likely to continue when you dont act - when you stay right where you are. Because then, youre not growing. Youre not learning.To feel satisfied and happy in your career, youre going to have to take chances and get to the Why of whats holding you back. From there, you need to build the ideal career in your mind first, then begin to act on it. Its not going to happen immediately - it takes small steps. But when you do the work and design your future, you will reap the rewards you dream about today.Find your breakthroughJoin my newsletter and check out my Amazon Bestselling book,The Value of You. This will give you inspiration to start planning for success on your journey.Thisarticlefirst appeared onMedium.
Saturday, December 7, 2019
The Dirty Truth About Administrative Assistant Resume Skills
The Dirty Truth About Administrative Assistant Resume Skills The Ultimate Approach to Administrative Assistant Resume Skills Administration occupations like administrative office assistants and secretaries are vital to the business world. Administrative Assistants might do the job for a single person or a full office division, which might impact their duties also. Skills of a secretary might vary drastically. He performs a multitude of secretarial as well as clerical duties within a department. Getting the Best Administrative Assistant Resume Skills So look good, because in many instances you might be representing your company to the general public at large. An executive assistant is an extremely skilled administrative professional who provides a wide selection of support services to an executive like a CEO or COO of an organization. Administrative assistant must collect lots of details regarding a company infrastructure. Administrative assistants are employed in nearly e very sort of large and established companies where the administration function is too large to control. The Administrative Assistant Resume Skills Chronicles The difference between an excellent assistant and a good assistant is their capacity to anticipate needs and total crucial tasks without having to be asked. Fill the information in Administrative he resume skills sample document because it is easy to understand and covers all aspects of the professional and personal data. Administrative assistant ought to have a minimum Idea on what softwares are employed in an institution to deal with day-to-day undertaking. So if youre an administrative assistant then youre probably doing multitasking in your day-to-day life. From time to time, especially in entry level standorts, of which an administrative professional can be one, no prior understanding of your particular industry might be required, but theres the expectation that you are going to learn quickly at work, and absorb th e crucial lingo and concepts that are used each day in your area. Most administrative positions involve a whole lot of writing. Employed as an administrative assistant will be able to help you earn a sufficient amount of money and is thought of as a strong career path for everybody with a passion of working with many files and secretarial work. Even though the job may not have lots of prestige, an increasing number of people find satisfaction within it. Administrative Assistant Resume Skills Help If you arent certain where to begin to your own CV, take a peek at our administrative assistant CV example. Senior administrative assistant resume has professional experience category to present thorough information regarding the job profiles previously. The summary section is undoubtedly the very best approach to describe yourself to other LinkedIn members. Although the subsequent example outlines someone with five decades of relevant experience, it may leise be utilized as a templ ate by anybody interested in turning in an application for an Administrative Assistant position. Doing this can allow it to be much more likely for your resume to get noticed by HR managers concerning that of others. Assistants often need to deal with complaints from customer or employee issues, sometimes professional, but in addition sometimes personal issues also. Regarding confidentiality, you might have to deal with sensitive documents or knowledge occasionally and your occupation is protecting that confidentiality. Friends, family, and former clients can occasionally assist you in finding employment. You will need to reveal the most suitable skills. If you dont have basic computer skills then itll be difficult for you to find work. Relevant interpersonal skills would be convenient. That means you should specify telephonic skills as one of the big skill set you must acquire administrative assistant job in any business. The Administrative Assistant Resume Skills Trap The objective section does the vital function of convincing the recruiters that you need to be provided an opportunity to the next level. Studying resume samples is among the absolute most efficient approaches to get ready for developing your own winning document. Excellent communicator with influencing skills and capability to relate with unique personalities in a skilled and positive way. One of the absolute most effective tactics to create your resume is to incorporate a resume objective section at the topmost aspect of your resume. When you are finished answering their interview questions, you are able to politely ask the interview to offer you the chance to raise any questions you might have. An attractive Administrative assistant resume summary is an ideal beginning to the interview session. You know you wish to land that interview. Resume writing can be challenging. As the function of the administrative assistant is vital to keeping an office on track, it seems sens ible that the vetting and hiring procedure is also more involved. Administrative assistants are frequently the very first point of contact in an organization. Although its important to keep professionalism when composing a cover letter, try to remember an Administrative Assistant plays a vital role as a vital channel of communication between clients and the business. Things You Wont Like About Administrative Assistant Resume Skills and Things You Will Following that, it has to impress the hiring manager with information which is related to them. The overview of your administrative assistant experience on your resume should communicate details about your previous employers together with the abilities and obligations necessary to do your work well. Administrative assistant jobs involve a wide scope of duties and techniques. Administrative skills are wanted for a selection of jobs, which range from office assistants to secretaries to office managers. Administrators should be a ble to hear a number of issues and solve them using critical thinking. Comparable to time management, admin assistants want the skill of being in a position to plan strategically. Administrative Assistants ought to be adept in multitasking and can keep calm under pressure. Understanding Administrative Assistant Resume Skills One of the simplest strategies to make sure youre highlighting the skills required by the business youre applying for is to examine the work description itself. With a little bit of preparation and a deep comprehension of the local job market, you are able to easily simplify your work search. The secret to successfully landing a job that you love is to produce a resume that makes it possible to stick out from the crowd. The secret to successfully landing a job that you love is to produce a compelling resume that can help you stick out from the crowd. Quite simply, whatever links your top executive assistant resume to the work description. The earlier you begin, the earlier you will have the most professional resume you can and youre going to be ready to find any job you apply for. Ruthless Administrative Assistant Resume Skills Strategies Exploited Show your possible employer what you could do. The Career Objective is intended to provide the hiring manager a reason to carry on reading your resume. Dont neglect to have a look at the subsequent Administrative Assistant resume sample for more information about how to make yours perfect Organization Administrative jobs of all sorts need strong organizational skills.
Monday, December 2, 2019
2015 A New Year#8217;s Note of Depreciation
2015 A New Year8217s Note of Depreciation The New Year, 2015, has arrived. So, like a new car, does it immediately begin to depreciate in value the minute you make it yours by shouting Happy New Year? Assuming it does, and that you are now a shareholder (along with the billions of the rest of us), what are the consequenceslogical and practicalfor job and head hunters?And how could the new year depreciate in any way like the way your new SUV (if youve ever bought one) instantly depreciated when you drove it off the lot? If it does, it is worth considering whether there is anything to be done to offset or cope with the depreciation and its negative impacts, assuming there are any.Depreciating Employment ContractsTo start with, seriously consider the idea that a new year, like a new car or many other tangible assets can depreciate. Certainly, a 1-year employment contract depreciates in value from the perspective of hours of labor-denominated value it represents. If company B wants to buy out somebodys contract from company Asay these are two football teams, clearly, from purely the owed hours of service remaining, the players contract and remaining time should be cheaper, i.e., worth less than the original contract, the more time has expired on it.On the other hand, if observed improvements in the players on-field wertzuwachs and seasoning suggest greater performance gains in the time frame ahead, appreciation of the value of future contract periods can be anticipatedwhich is one of the reasons for mid-season trades.Clock Time vs. Contracted TimeTo abstractly orient yourself to the concept of new year depreciation, just follow this simple (admittedly over-simplified) logic1. Time is money.2. Money is an asset.3. Assets can depreciate.______________Therefore, time, as an asset, can depreciate.You may object to this line or theme of argumentation and argue that the contract and t he time remaining on a contract are two different things, that while the contract itself depreciates, the time remaining on it does elend and serves merely as a measure of the contracts time-denominated value, just as the dollars that denominate the value of your depreciating SUV do elend themselves automatically depreciate as the car does.But although the ticks and tocks of a clock are likewise in fact different from the time that they measure, they are nevertheless quantitatively equivalent. Hence, it may be retorted that a key component of a contract (apart from the quality of service owed) is the time it specifies as equivalent to that component of the contractual obligations. Therefore as that time diminishes, the value of the contractual obligation diminishes (in the absence of separate contractual offsets, such as, from the employees perspective, completion bonuses as incentives).Moreover, if the asset is defined more narrowly and specifically as contractual time, then, from the conceptual standpoint, it can be a depreciating asset, even if the generic time units used to measure it do not in any sense depreciate.You may further argue that even if time is money, and that time is therefore a dollar-denominated asset, it nonetheless as such is used only to measure the value of other things, but not of itself. So how could the units of time, e.g., a year (like the units of money that they are proverbially equivalent to) depreciate just because the other asset , e.g., a car or a contract, whose value they are a measure of, in fact depreciates?Moreover, if a dollar, a minute or a year depreciated in tandem with the tangible asset, that would make the concept of depreciation either unintelligible or exponential.Thats because if the yardstick (dollars or time) is worth less as that which it measures depreciates, i.e., the value of time (remaining) depreciates along with the value of the contract or the car, the effect would be to compound or accelerate the over all depreciation. The tangible asset, such as the car, would be depreciating over time that is itself depreciating over time Worse, over the same time period, we may have to deal with the bizarre concept of reiterated calculations of the depreciation of the depreciated time over depreciating time. (No, thanks. The concept gives me a headache1)Of course, the depreciation of a car and of an employment contract differ in at least one key respect The car depreciates relative to the moment of purchase, not to the any contractual remaining time (the way an employment contract depreciates without offsets, such as completion bonuses, which may in fact, as time passes, increase the value of the contract to at least the signee). Yet, a remaining time is implicit, since a key reason for depreciation of a degrading asset is its life expectancy, which means its remaining useful time (an attribute that non-depreciating gold does not have when its price is stable, since, it doesnt automatically de preciate in value just because you bought it).How Your New Year Can DepreciateConsider the case of the remaining time of your professional career. The depreciation of your career, the new year, and of its remaining time can be conceptualized in more than one way1. DIMINISHING MARGINAL UTILITY OF CAREER TIME From the abstract mathematical economic perspective, it can be argued that the time remaining in your career depreciates as an asset when the marginal utility of a unit of time (of your career or your life) diminishes. It need not necessarily do so, but can. (Marginal utility is just a fancy way of saying the value of the next unit obtained, where the unit can be a unit of a resource, a service, a product, etc.) If the marginal utility of your year doesnt diminish at some point in 2015, it may do so in some subsequent new year or block of years or months, especially since marginal utility tends to diminish eventually.For example, if some modern Einsteins research project can achi eve its target results only after a decade of experimentation, testing, etc., and it is clear he will succeed, buying out the remainder of his employment contract will be a smart investment on an asset and time period of increasing utility delivering very attractive total, average and marginal utility.On the other hand, in careers in which age and experience take a toll that is, on average, predictable, e.g., the eventual decline in a pro football players speed, reflexes and strength, the marginal utility of another contractual month or year will diminish at some point. In other words, the monthly units of contractual time, e.g., contract period March 2015 (measured in non-depreciating clock time) will depreciate in value. The same goes for the effects of psychological burnout of the sort physicians, teachers, telemarketers, etc., commonly experience.2. UNDER-PERFORMING DEPRECIATING CAREERS Imagine an employee whose performance meets the job description requirements, but without ex ceeding them. From the standpoint of contractual time, subsequent months invested by the employer in that employee are not a depreciating asset. However, should the company suddently need to promote someone on a performance basis in order to fill an unexpected vacancy or have to otherwise raise the performance bar, that employees remaining contractual time may be viewed as a depreciating asset, even if only relative to the revised, stricter performance yardstick.Although in some sense this case is an instance of diminishing marginal utility, it is distinctive in that the depreciation is due to a change in the standards of evaluation rather than to a decline in performance relative to an unchanged standard.3. MARKET-VALUE DEPRECIATION OF YOUR NEW YEAR Your shares of the new year can depreciate in value if you do not trade them, e.g., do not exchange them as blocks of labor time for employment income because you are still unemployed. In the eyes of some employers, a November 2015 mont hly block of your 2015 time will be worth less than a January 2015 block, because you will have been unemployed far longer, making you (as far as they are concerned) a less attractive candidate.They assume that, the longer you are unemployed, the more any given month of your 2015 time depreciates relative to January and to every month before November. Employers and their jobs are the market,so their reluctance is a measure of the market-value depreciation of your new year and its blocks of time.4. MIXED APPRECIATION AND DEPRECIATION OF YOUR NEW YEAR if we reflect on the depreciation of a new car, it can easily be grasped that while the cars value will depreciate relative to the used-car market, it can appreciate relative to the owners other values and priorities, e.g., sentimentality, proven reliability, or as an object of affectionate tinkering and proud customizing. Although these alternate measures of worth may not be market-based or dollar-denominated, they nonetheless represent utility. The same is true of your career.Should you choose to spend the second half of 2015 in a Elizabethan Poetry 101 course instead of remaining at your Starbucks barista or High Street barrister job, your 2015 will undergo dramatic depreciation from the job market standpoint, but equally dramatic appreciation from your personal non-financial perspectives. What you will have to decide, of course, is which should matter to you more the appreciation or the depreciation of your July-December 2015 time asset.Completion or other bonuses can serve as a further illustration of mixed appreciation-depreciation scenarios. If an employers 2015 targets are met early and remaining deals collapse, paying the employee who closes the successful deals a huge completion bonus may be less attractive than finding an equally capable replacement (at contract renewal time) who will sign with a much smaller bonus.In that case, from the employer standpoint, the original employees remaining, post-success contract month-blocks represent a depreciating asset (relative to employee replacement), because of the costs of buying them from the deal-closing employee.Looking AheadSo you can see how your 2015, as an asset can depreciate or appreciate, depending on the market, your efforts, perceptions, etc. No matter how mine turns out, Ill be content if it neither depreciates nor appreciatesas long as I get some appreciation.
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